Well, did you know we serve a MIGHTY God? He is so awesome! He is ALWAYS in control and ALWAYS faithful. I am so excited by all He is doing.
Her appointment Thursday went very well. The doctor said she can now, ALREADY put weight on her legs. In the beginning, they thought it would be 3-4 months before she could do this. Glory to God on High! Her right leg, with the knee that isn't healed enough to bend, is in a brace to keep it lined up while healing and she has to be very careful with it.
She WILL have to have another operation on her right leg due to her muscles calcifying and turning to bone. She still cannot bend it. The surgery will be to break down the 'muscles-turned-to-bone' into muscles again. They say this won't take place for 3-4 months. in order for the knee to completely heal.
They removed her splints from her feet and the pin from her left foot; not only did she NOT feel any pain when they pulled it out but she didn't know they had done it. It was out and over while she still had her eyes closed waiting for it to happen. God is so awesome! They said her feet look good and they are not so worried anymore about her having a limp when she walked. Her left foot had a bad drop to it before the splints were left on her feet.
She is doing wonderfully with her left leg, bending it up to a 96-98 degree angle. Within 2 weeks they want her to be able to bend it to 113 - 120 degree angle. She is now able to get from the bed to her wheelchair and back all on her own! She is so tickled, she was glowing! Praising the Lord for the swiftness of the healing thus far. (Women you will appreciate this: she is tickled that she can now shave her legs.)
They did change her pain meds to something stronger that helps much better when the Physical therapist is working with her. Doctors have said the horrible pain she feels during therapy has to be endured in order for her to heal and get past it.
She is feeling alot better and no longer sick at tummy from the antibiotic. Her kidney infection is healing. Urology was testing and accessing her kidney function Thursday to determine how well it is functioning and if she needs to be on a bladder program.
They are fitting her for leg braces to teach her to walk!!!!!!! Wa-whoooo!!!!!! God is exalted, praise His awesomeness! He is our great Provider, our Healer, our EVERYTHING! She is having to be fitted for a chest brace and I am unsure how long she has to wear this at this point but they are doing it to keep her back from developing Scoliosis.
She is doing lots of major physical therapy and one of the things she is doing is exercises in a pool of water. I have 2 dreams to share with you which are from the Lord Almighty.
BEFORE we knew any of her planned treatment for therapy, Dr. Davis Manning had a dream on Tuesday that Graceyn was in a pool of water, walking back and forth across the pool. Prophetic dream! God is going to heal this precious little girl completely, amen?
Then Wednesday, her sister, Maddie, had a dream that Graceyn had come home and was walking. We were all so tickled over these dreams and remembered the verse in the Bible where it says, "...and your sons and daughters will dream dreams.....". I truly believe this two dreams are prophetic dreams, reminding us that God IS in control and very much at work in Graceyn's body!
Well, I will hush for now and let you know when I have another report. I pray each of you are well, safe and have a blessed weekend with your families and in the house of the Lord.
I have shared the same dream of that doctor. God is reminding everyone to stay strong, and that it will happen. We just have to let God do the work of His might hands. Praise Him for EVERYTHING that healed and is going to heal!
-Kelsey Morphis
What a awesome report. God is good all the time.
Anita Moore
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