
Another place to send donations to....

I was reading the comments on the story that the Clarion Ledger did on Graceyn and Holly and saw this-
You can make donations here:
City of Brandon, Attention: Cathy Goolsby, P.O. Box 1539, Brandon, MS 39043.
(Sorry Ms. Goolsby but I checked you out. She is the Public Works Director for the City of Brandon- definitely legit :)
Any check or money order needs to be made payable to Lane Thrailkill.
She also said in this comment that there would be a fund-raiser set up at Brandon Day. She will be raffling off some items under the city tent.


Genie said...

I continue to pray for this family. I will specifically pray for God to give comfort and peace to Holly & Lane while they are away from Graceyn and that Graceyn will be comforted while she is away from her Mom & Dad. I pray that God will give Lane strength to continue to care for his family and let him not grow weary. Praise God for the loving friends & family who are helping out and for the doantions to help financially. God does hear our prayers and he DOES still perform miracles. We are believing that God will perform miracles in this family. Praide God that you are a family that stands firm in God's word. I pray for Maddie & Laurel, that they may once again have normalacy in their lives. God is our strength, comforter and healer