*Praise the Lord, she got to Shriner's hospital in PA safely Tuesday around 2:30 p.m. and is in great care there!
***Urgent prayer request for her: She has a kidney infection and has been put on Biaxin (same medication that made Holly so sick). Graceyn is extremely sick at her tummy but the doctors feel it is necessary to stay on this antibiotic to heal her infection. Due to her being so sick today, they were unable to do much at all with her therapy.
*The doctors there are going over her medical records from UMC and their Neurologist has already run lots of X-Rays to see for themselves what is going on in her precious body. Once they have gotten all test results and poured over her UMC records, they will have a game plan.
They are having Urology check her bladder functions to see if they are normal or hindered in some way due to the paralysis. She may not even need the catheter, UMC didn't have the capabilities to check her bladder in depth as it should have been. They will be putting her on a bladder program to help as her needs are revealed.
*They have an amazing team of Physical Therapists and are doing a very extensive physical therapy routine with her. She can get on a motorized, stationary bicycle and that they strap her legs in. As the bike goes, it is actually moving and using her own muscles to keep them built up and strong for when she walks again. They won't know this for sure until all test results have been studied, but they even have braces they can put on her legs in hopes of teaching her to walk again.
They also will be doing water therapy and working with her legs in the water. I have heard great things on this therapy. I am so excited for all of this and more because our God is faithful and He is going to heal her. Thank you for your prayers, love and concern.
**There soon will be a special account set up in Graceyn's name at Regions Bank if you would like to donate to her fund. When I have that account name and info, I will post it. There were people out of state who received prayer requests for them and want to help so Regions contacted Lane and asked if they could set up an account for them. Isn't God so good?!?
She looked wonderful today, her face was glowing as if God's Sonshine was resting upon her. She is doing great with her leg therapy machine and exercises. However, she is in excruciating pain even though she is on pain meds while the therapist is working with her. Please continue to pray for that and for complete healing from the last surgery Friday. Pray for no complications and infections. She goes to the doctor tomorrow afternoon for her post-surgery follow-up and to have her stitches removed. When I have the update form that appointment, I will post it.
Praying you through this storm!!
Anita Moore
Sikeston, MO
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