
Updates Today.....

Holly had her stitches out today and had no pain. They will check her progress in six weeks to determine if they need to put her to sleep to bend her right leg. She is going to be working with her PT in the mean time, so the doctor will look at her range of motion at the next appointment. The doctor also said her right knee and leg were in awesome shape compared to her last visit and surgery. She has been walking using a walker more than 50 feet with her PT- awesome progress!

Hands of Hope at Crossgates Baptist Church will continue to be and have already been working on the Thrailkill home on several of the needs expressed in the last post. PRAISE GOD that this need has already been met!

God has clearly told Lane that Graceyn WILL be healed, so we need to continue our prayers.... despite what doctors and PT's say. HE has the last WORD, amen?
The specialized bicycle has been ordered for her (the one that cost $15,000), Lane is trusting God to provide. Graceyn will be returning home on the 17th, but will return for a two week stay (in PA) after she gets her new braces. These braces will help her learn how to use her legs.

God is SO GOOD, all the time! Thanks to all of you who are praying.... you may never know what YOUR prayers are doing. Small= Big sometimes in God's economy!


Needs for the Family....

This was forwarded to me by someone from my church. These are specific needs for the family.

Thanks Angie if you're reading this for passing these requests on!

  1. Their house is in a dire need of painting, caulking and a few rotted boards replaced. Would any of you be willing to lend some labor or know of someone who could. Please be in prayer for our church to step up to this.
  2. Right as I walked in Holly was hanging up with a call from one of Graceyn’s therapists who was telling Holly about this new chair that Graceyn HAD to have to help her leg musles from atrophying. The cost of the chair is $15,000 and insurance will not pay a dime. Holly looked at me with the most despair in her eyes and said, “How could we get $15,000?” To make matters worse Holly asked if this chair would help Graceyn walk and the therapist told her, “Holly, Graceyn is not going to walk again.” Please pray first and foremost for complete healing in Graceyn’s body and that she will through the power of Jesus, walk again. Secondly, please pray for the funds to come in to cover the cost of the chair that she will need almost immediately.
  3. They need a new vehicle. The drunk driver had poor insurance and since the three in the vehicle with the drunk driver were hurt, they have rights to the insurance money also and so it will have to split among them as well. At best, Holly’s van will be paid off. This still leaves them in the great need for another vehicle. Please pray for this need to be met.

They have an account set up at Bank Plus under Lane Thrailkill and another account set up at Regions under Graceyn Thraillkill.

If you would like to help please post a comment with your information or, send an email to:

Thanks for your diligent prayers and all of you who are stepping up to help out. Even if it seems insignificant it is HUGE in God's economy. May each of you be blessed for your service!


Great News and a Request

Holly took her first steps on Friday! She admits that she was scared to death- but, she had her husband and PT right there to support her.
Graceyn has also taken steps, but has yet to feel anything. The PTs are teaching her to use her upper body to move her legs. She will come home this Friday, but will return to PA to learn how to put on and use her new braces. These braces will teach her how to walk! AMEN! PRAISE JESUS!

Lane asks for prayer. Insurance does not cover an additional machine that Graceyn needs. This machine will velcro to her upper body and support her upper body while she exercises to move her lower body. It's miraculous what she can do.... even though she can't feel her legs! Thanks be to You Jesus, what we can't even conceive of, YOU can DO!


Prayer for everyone involved.....

I am an author of this blog- but mostly I just pass on information that I hear from others. But God has laid it on my heart to add some other folks along with the Thrailkills who need our prayers-

1) The extended family and their friends who are caring for Lane, Holly, and the girls. They have their own lives but have sacrificially stepped in to take care of the Thrailkills. Pray for comfort, strength, energy, and especially words to speak comfort, life, and hope to Lane, Holly, and the girls. Pray that God fills in the gaps for them, when things at their own homes may not get taken care of. Pray that God blesses them for their service. Pray that they feel renewed each day and filled with God's Holy Spirit.

2) Pray that God would be glorified in all of this. That each doctor, nurse, orderly, whoever comes in contact with this precious family would see Christ. That they would come away believing without a doubt that there IS a God and He is alive and working!

3) Pray for the woman and two men that hit Holly and Graceyn. Pray that they would come to see a need in their life for salvation and would seek God with their whole heart. Pray that they would see their alcohol addiction as this huge chain dragging them down to their death- and that the only way to break free would be to ask Jesus into their lives. Pray that God would radically change, save, and redeem them.... even though they don't deserve it. None of us do.

I know that the last one is hard. It was hard for me to write. But I do write it unapologetically. Jesus said in his Word:

Matthew 6:14-15

In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can't get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God's part.

Psalm 130:3-4

If you, God, kept records on wrongdoings, who would stand a chance? As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit, and that's why you're worshiped.

Isaiah 64:6

All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

Ephesians 4:32

Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.

All scripture quoted from The Message.

Our God is an awesome God! He reigns supreme through all and in all!

Holly stood on her legs for the first time yesterday and there were tears of joy streaming down everyone's face. How could we do anything but loudly shout the praises of God Almighty?!? The doctors thought originally it would be 3-4 months before she could so this and it was only 5 1/2 weeks from the accident and she stood! Glory to God.....how awesome is He! She has also been able to shower 2 times now. She is doing great with her physical therapy and will be going to get another knee brace tomorrow. She still has alot of pain with therapy but the medicine they switched her to is helping a lot better than what they had her on previously.

Pray for Lane as he is trying to "light a fire" under the doctors' feet in PA to get them going on Graceyn's care. It started off quite well but they haven't done much of anything in the last couple of days. There has been a benefit account set up in Graceyn Thrailkill's name at Regions Bank. If you would like to donate money to her account just go to any branch to make a deposit. Thank you in advance for you generosity!

Lane and Holly are ready for anyone who wants to help with cleaning or laundry. The days best for them are Tuesdays and Thursdays.

So, if you would like to help in this way, PLEASE leave a comment stating you need information or email/call Tina Conerly.

The yard is covered by a guy we go to church with and who also works with Lane at Nissan. Two other ladies have gone and weeded the flower beds and they look great! Thank you so much ladies!

As you know, Graceyn Thrailkill is in Pennsylvania for treatment of her spinal cord injury. We have been asked by a member of her family if we could pass the word for folks to send her some encouragement via the mail. (If a few of you feel led to put $1.00 in with your card or note that would bring a huge smile to Graceyn's face.) Her address is:

Graceyn Thrailkill

c/o Shriners Hospital For Children

3551 North Broad Street

PA 19140

Please help us spread the word so we can all take part in what God is doing in this precious little girl’s life!


What a mighty God we serve.....

Well, did you know we serve a MIGHTY God? He is so awesome! He is ALWAYS in control and ALWAYS faithful. I am so excited by all He is doing.
Her appointment Thursday went very well. The doctor said she can now, ALREADY put weight on her legs. In the beginning, they thought it would be 3-4 months before she could do this. Glory to God on High! Her right leg, with the knee that isn't healed enough to bend, is in a brace to keep it lined up while healing and she has to be very careful with it.
She WILL have to have another operation on her right leg due to her muscles calcifying and turning to bone. She still cannot bend it. The surgery will be to break down the 'muscles-turned-to-bone' into muscles again. They say this won't take place for 3-4 months. in order for the knee to completely heal.
They removed her splints from her feet and the pin from her left foot; not only did she NOT feel any pain when they pulled it out but she didn't know they had done it. It was out and over while she still had her eyes closed waiting for it to happen. God is so awesome! They said her feet look good and they are not so worried anymore about her having a limp when she walked. Her left foot had a bad drop to it before the splints were left on her feet.
She is doing wonderfully with her left leg, bending it up to a 96-98 degree angle. Within 2 weeks they want her to be able to bend it to 113 - 120 degree angle. She is now able to get from the bed to her wheelchair and back all on her own! She is so tickled, she was glowing! Praising the Lord for the swiftness of the healing thus far. (Women you will appreciate this: she is tickled that she can now shave her legs.)
They did change her pain meds to something stronger that helps much better when the Physical therapist is working with her. Doctors have said the horrible pain she feels during therapy has to be endured in order for her to heal and get past it.
She is feeling alot better and no longer sick at tummy from the antibiotic. Her kidney infection is healing. Urology was testing and accessing her kidney function Thursday to determine how well it is functioning and if she needs to be on a bladder program.
They are fitting her for leg braces to teach her to walk!!!!!!! Wa-whoooo!!!!!! God is exalted, praise His awesomeness! He is our great Provider, our Healer, our EVERYTHING! She is having to be fitted for a chest brace and I am unsure how long she has to wear this at this point but they are doing it to keep her back from developing Scoliosis.
She is doing lots of major physical therapy and one of the things she is doing is exercises in a pool of water. I have 2 dreams to share with you which are from the Lord Almighty.
BEFORE we knew any of her planned treatment for therapy, Dr. Davis Manning had a dream on Tuesday that Graceyn was in a pool of water, walking back and forth across the pool. Prophetic dream! God is going to heal this precious little girl completely, amen?

Then Wednesday, her sister, Maddie, had a dream that Graceyn had come home and was walking. We were all so tickled over these dreams and remembered the verse in the Bible where it says, "...and your sons and daughters will dream dreams.....". I truly believe this two dreams are prophetic dreams, reminding us that God IS in control and very much at work in Graceyn's body!
Well, I will hush for now and let you know when I have another report. I pray each of you are well, safe and have a blessed weekend with your families and in the house of the Lord.


Another place to send donations to....

I was reading the comments on the story that the Clarion Ledger did on Graceyn and Holly and saw this-
You can make donations here:
City of Brandon, Attention: Cathy Goolsby, P.O. Box 1539, Brandon, MS 39043.
(Sorry Ms. Goolsby but I checked you out. She is the Public Works Director for the City of Brandon- definitely legit :)
Any check or money order needs to be made payable to Lane Thrailkill.
She also said in this comment that there would be a fund-raiser set up at Brandon Day. She will be raffling off some items under the city tent.

Latest Update

*Praise the Lord, she got to Shriner's hospital in PA safely Tuesday around 2:30 p.m. and is in great care there!
***Urgent prayer request for her: She has a kidney infection and has been put on Biaxin (same medication that made Holly so sick). Graceyn is extremely sick at her tummy but the doctors feel it is necessary to stay on this antibiotic to heal her infection. Due to her being so sick today, they were unable to do much at all with her therapy.
*The doctors there are going over her medical records from UMC and their Neurologist has already run lots of X-Rays to see for themselves what is going on in her precious body. Once they have gotten all test results and poured over her UMC records, they will have a game plan.
They are having Urology check her bladder functions to see if they are normal or hindered in some way due to the paralysis. She may not even need the catheter, UMC didn't have the capabilities to check her bladder in depth as it should have been. They will be putting her on a bladder program to help as her needs are revealed.
*They have an amazing team of Physical Therapists and are doing a very extensive physical therapy routine with her. She can get on a motorized, stationary bicycle and that they strap her legs in. As the bike goes, it is actually moving and using her own muscles to keep them built up and strong for when she walks again. They won't know this for sure until all test results have been studied, but they even have braces they can put on her legs in hopes of teaching her to walk again.
They also will be doing water therapy and working with her legs in the water. I have heard great things on this therapy. I am so excited for all of this and more because our God is faithful and He is going to heal her. Thank you for your prayers, love and concern.

**There soon will be a special account set up in Graceyn's name at Regions Bank if you would like to donate to her fund. When I have that account name and info, I will post it. There were people out of state who received prayer requests for them and want to help so Regions contacted Lane and asked if they could set up an account for them. Isn't God so good?!?

She looked wonderful today, her face was glowing as if God's Sonshine was resting upon her. She is doing great with her leg therapy machine and exercises. However, she is in excruciating pain even though she is on pain meds while the therapist is working with her. Please continue to pray for that and for complete healing from the last surgery Friday. Pray for no complications and infections. She goes to the doctor tomorrow afternoon for her post-surgery follow-up and to have her stitches removed. When I have the update form that appointment, I will post it.

CVS Correction!

Just got a comment that said the third item is a tv. And the tickets are 2 for $5. Sorry for any confusion! Just go by there yourself and get a raffle ticket :)